Getting Started

Silhouettes of various people - old, young, parents, kids, pregnant, on wheelchare, skating, with a dog

Top 10 prejudices & preconceptions of inclusive design

There are many prejudices and misconceptions about Inclusive Design and Architecture. These are due to a lack of understanding or oversimplification. Following sentences reveal and counter some of the most common prejudices.

Foto:, Sigmund, detailní pohled na ruce nevidomého, který používá čtečku na braillovo písmo

When Should You Start with Inclusive Design and Accessibility in Your Team?

All activities related to the accessibility of your services and inclusive design are inseparably linked to the design maturity of your organisation. What is it, you ask? This article describes various model of UX maturity of teams and organizations.

Stokke or Oxo. Introduction to Universal Design

Stokke or Oxo. Introduction to Universal Design

What can a person in a wheelchair, a mother with a pram, your grandmother and your friend who recently broke his arm have in common? Each of them will appreciate the things and services we use every day more usable and accessible.