The Xbox team tried to find out how to make gaming more enjoyable and improve the controllability of consoles for people with disabilities through a design sprint. From improvements benefit all gamers, regardless of disability or specific need.

"Accessibility is not the goal of inclusive design but rather, observing how people with different levels of ability navigate a typical situation and use that analog as a starting point for design features."

Herman Billet a Thea Urdal

We are unsure if true inclusive design can exist in the systems we operate in today, say curators of Design for All exhibition

The interview with curators of Design for All exhibition Thea Urdal and Herman Billet on universal design, creating meaningful connections and building communities.

Jitka Smolíková a Anežka Řepík představují motivace a průběh projektu Design pro všechny

Design for All in pictures - Key activities of the project

Most of the activities of Design for All project culminated in May as part of 9th Zlin Design Week. Look back and remind the key activities such conference, exhibition and edu workshops through videos and pictures.

Dr. Anthony Giannoumis

Recording from Zlin Design Week Conference is available

The Zlin Design Week Conference took place on 9 May 2023 in Zlin, Czech Republic and through lectures and joint discussions offered various perspectives on the topic of Universal Design. Watch the full conference recording or just select the talks you are interested.